Monday, February 23, 2015

Republicans and Ayn Rand

In recent years, the Republican Party has had a weird fascination with the late philosophical writer Ayn Rand.

Rand, for those who don't know, was a Russian philosopher and author, who advocated for, among other things, a completely free market capitalist system. She was generally thought of as the intellectual leader of what is now called Libertarianism. For this reason. a lot of Republicans often cite her as one of their influences.

But, what a lot of conservatives don't seem to realize is that Ayn Rand would have been appalled by the modern Republican party.

She was a committed atheist and staunchly opposed the 'war on drugs'. On the topic of abortion she said, "A man cannot say he is really for freedom, if he's not for a woman's right to choose."

And, not only did she not believe in God and was opposed to organized religion, she said, "religion is a disease and humanity will be better off once it is wiped out."

So, perhaps the Republicans who admire her so much, should do their homework on what she really believed. Then, they would either have to disavow her or change their parties' platform on a whole array of issues.

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