Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Is Fear of Backlash Keeping Discrimination Alive?

I want to talk to you about an issue that I find very interesting that nobody seems to be really talking about regarding the issue of same-sex marriage. Now, let me start off by saying that I am totally in support of two people who love each other being able to get married, and I think it's ridiculous that in America in the 21st century, we are still having this debate. But I have to talk about a concern that I deeply feel. And that is, the gay community promoting only traditional monogamous marriage, and not speaking about what I view as the very discriminatory laws which grant special rights to monogamous married individuals but leave out those who do not choose to live a strictly monogamous lifestyle. I understand that monogamy in a lot of ways is the most safe of sexual arrangements, but it doesn't mean that I think that those who choose to live non-monogamously should be left out of certain protections. I feel like only promoting monogamous same-sex couples is unfair and discriminatory, and demonstrates that the movement for so-called marriage equality is ultimately concerned primarily with appeasing heteronormative standards.

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