Monday, November 26, 2012

Christian Self-Righteousness is Not a Virtue

I suppose in all groups you have extremists, but there's one group of extremists that I find to be self-righteous and annoying as hell: Christian Conspiracy Theorists, in particular a man named Mark Dice. These are the kinds of people who believe that Hollywood, and the rest of the ungodly secular world is controlled by a devil-worshipping cult called the Illuminati. I wouldn't be so hard on Mr. Dice if he weren't so damn self righteous.

For example, in 2007 he posted a Youtube video dumping various forms of garbage on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This was supposed to represent the ungodly filth that is Hollywood. Note to Mark: Your childhood antics have to be cleaned up by some poor attendants, who may not actually agree with you.

Also, he has accused Jay-Z of being a child rapist, and has referred to Rihanna, Kesha, and Lady Gaga as satanic skanks from Satan's sewer. I know by evidence of this he probably has a few screws loose, but he still annoys me. Mark, get off your Christian high horse and get raptured already, we don't want you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Free Speech or just hurtful?

     In 1994 Batman: The Animated Series aired a controversial episode entitled, "Babydoll." It featured an aging, demented former child star with advanced hydroplagia. Although they changed the name, race, sex, and even the disease of the character, Gary Coleman got upset. The Little Person's Association of America tried to have it banned. Although it was not successful, Babydoll never appeared again. My question: does this come down to an issue of free speech or respect for people with disabilities?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Is Abby Johnson A Liar?

Is Abby Johnson a liar? Abby Johnson, if that's even her real name, was born circa 1980. She wrote "Unplanned" This is a book about her quitting Planned Parenthood. She is a spokesperson against abortion rights, but is she for real? She claimed to be the former head of the Planned Parenthood branch in Texas. She recently testified to the house hearing on Planned Parenthood. My first suspicion came when I saw a video of her speaking in a church where she confessed to having helped cover up the statutory rape of an underage prostitute and the murder of a woman as a result of a botched abortion. My question is: as the supposed head of this chain of clinics, why would she admit on tape federal crimes committed without fear of prosecution or jail time? The pro-life movement has been getting a lot of positive press and conversions since Abby spoke out. What better press for your movement than to have a former enemy convert? The right is always accusing progressive organizations of paying actors to play Occupy protestors for abortion rights, but maybe they're projecting.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

So now that victims are white, it's bad.

In recent years there have been several videos posted on the Internet exposing police brutality and excessive force. Because of this police brutality is finally being addressed, but people are acting like it's a new phenomenon. The truth is, however, police brutality and other forms of repression among certain areas of the population is nothing new. Such is the case with a mentally challenged black man in Texas in 1916. He was accused of raping the daughter of his white employer. Despite no evidence after twenty minutes of deliberation, an all white jury found him guilty and sentenced him to execution. Fast forward to 1991, the Rodney King beating. Although this case shown a light on police brutality, it was eclipsed by the riots that followed. It was only after a well educated young white man in 2004 was unfairly tased at a John Kerry rally. It seems to me that even though black people have been going through this crap for decades, people are only now seeing police brutality out front. Could this be America's still internalized racism; the thought that when a black man gets tazed he automatically deserves. When a white man gets tazed it's a horrible crime in violation of his civil rights. The most recent issues have been with pepper spraying students at peace rallies, eerily reminiscent the Vietnam rallies. My point is: why are people now suddenly up in arms, because it's in all of our faces? It's been in black people's faces for decades.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Governer or Child Exploiter

Ever since the 2008 election i've been facinated with the former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin; although more for her whining than her actual qualifications, especially concerning, Trig, her son with down syndrome. Whenever some one makes a slightly tasteless joke about people with disabilities, Sarah Palin comes rushing in to save the day. There's always been an air of fake compasion that hangs around her, just like everything else about that woman. Let's not forget, she pulled her young daughter out of school so she could parade her on the national stage. There's some question as to if Trig is even hers. And according to a former family friend, she would often refer to Trig as "my retarded baby." All in all, I think Sarah Palin is more rediculous than a disability activist, but that's just my opinion.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Learning to Forgive Yourself

Recently, I heard of a group called Abortion Survivors for Life, which is a group of women who have had abortions but now regret their decision so much that they want Roe vs. Wade overturned. They've spoken at many pro life events around the country. My question: is the pro-life movement exploiting these women? For instance, there was one woman who had an abortion in 1980 and still speaks about it today. I'm not saying these women don't have the right to speak about their experiences, but is the pro life movement profiting from their guilt? Tell me what you think.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Forgotten Minority

In this country today, we take great care to not offend minorities. Don't get me wrong: I care about minorites. But, it seems to me today there is one group no one seems to care about offending: the disabled. For example, take the people who are opposed to the Americans with Disabilities Act for whatever reason. I'm sorry if we "cripples" as you so like to call us are inconvenient to the poor business owners. But as an American, I believe that I am entitled to go where I want to go in spite of my limited physical ability. It also doesn't help that popular media makes fun of the disabled, most notably Family Guy creator, Seth MacFarlane. He gives Joe endless ridicule over things like his inability to climb stairs or have sex. While Joe usually gets his legs back in an episode, by the end they're taken away again. I for one think comedy can be a good way to humanize people, and that's what Mr. MacFarlane is trying to do. But endless ridicule is not the way. Also, when able-bodied people offend people with disabilities in media, do you hear the big outcry, no. Well, sometimes, but it's not acknowledged. In closing, I am not a sensitive person about my disability. I'm okay with comedy to a certain extent. But after a while, it's not funny, only offensive and asinine.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Christians, It's a Book. Get Over It.

You may remember a few years ago, a bunch of Christian groups getting their panties in a bunch because of a movie based on a book series written by a prominent atheist named Phillip Pullman. They claim it was indoctrinating children into atheist ways. But, like most hypocritical Christians, they have no problem with C.S. Lewis' blatant biblical references in the Chronicles of Narnia series. I guess for some Christians it all depends on the kind of indoctrination. And another thing: Christians, if your faith is so threatened by a book and a movie, then that tells me you don't trust your own faith or your kid's own faith for it to stay with them after watching a 113 minute film, or reading a book. Let's not forget that Nicole Kidman, a devout Catholic, who stars in this film, says that she saw no overt references to Atheism in the film. But, let's face it Christians, your time to rule over all of the poor heathens has passed. The American people and the world are finally seeing through your stupid guilt trips, and your litigious money making schemes.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Freedom of Choice for Children

Could sweets become the new drug of choice in many schools? Maybe, if the eight states that currently want to ban bake sales get their way. Actually seven states already have; Massachusetts has legislation pending. Now, am I greedy? No. I just hate the thought that kids  won't have any choice in what they eat or don't eat. If we don't give kids any alternative, how do they learn to make positive choices?

Personally, I think it's partly about regulating the underground economy as much as possible. There was an incident in Georgia recently where a young girl's lemonade stand was shut down by the health department. No kidding. I imagine that in the future, little children will come to school with cookies hidden in their pockets to sell to other children: "Hey, buddy, wanna buy some chips?"

If you can, please join the fight to take back freedom of choice in public schools. I'm going to start a petition that you can sign on facebook, which I will link to later.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

So What if I Play God?

Dr. Jack Kevorkian is probably one of the most controversial men of the 20th century, but I don't see what the big deal was. Let me explain.

Doctors "play God" all the time. When a doctor removes a gangrenous leg, he interferes with a natural process. He's interfering with "God's Will".

I believe it's cruel to wait for the approval of the sky fairy.

Personally I don't understand why you're forced to get psychological counseling. People aren't stupid, they know they're not going to wake up from suicide.

 People should be the masters of their own lives and their own destinies.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Secrets of America's Golden Boy.

If you are a Republican and a Christian, it is likely that you are committing apostacy. You see, Republicans have another God they worship; Ronald Reagan. But, do you think Republicans would be so forgiving, especially in Evangelical circles if they knew that, while he was Governor, Reagan was a Holocaust denier?

Here's a quote from Ronald Reagan during a debate in Los Angeles in 1967; "There's absolutely no evidence that six milllion Jews were sent to any ovens anywhere. The only facility that I've been able to find with the name Buchenwald, was the name of a German meat packing plant."

Or, if that's not enough, you can credit him, at least in part, for the begining of the borderline Fascist era in conservative American politics. By his support for McCarthy, he was essentially saying that in America, if you are a Communist, we are not just going to disagree with you, we are going to bring you up in front of a Congressional Committee and force you to explain yourself.

And, if even that's not enough for conservatives, consider his widely suspected, closeted homosexual tendencies. According to many Hollywood insiders and former friends of Reagan, he was widely known to 'go both ways', so to speak. Not that I'm bashing gays, I'm just saying it's telling for Mr. Reagan, to be perhaps the most anti-gay president in history, who said that Jezebel had taken over the Democratic Party in 1988.

If you are conservative, stick to the God of Biblical times, not political ones.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

With most conspiracy theories, one can see importance when talking about the issues raised: for instance, if you think the U.S. government killed 3000 people on 9/11, or if you think the president of the United States is foreign born and in the White House illegally ,one thinks that is worth talking about. Though I don't believe these, I still see their merit. But with the moon landing conspiracy, I don't see the point, because, really, no one got hurt or defrauded. So what if the U.S. government wanted to play a trick on the Russians? But, this is one of the most popular issues among conspiracy theorists, and  I don't understand why. I mean, let Neil Armstrong have glory and peace.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Can Evil People Do Good Things?

Many people know about the controversial organization Planned Parenthood, but many people do not know about its founder Margaret Sanger. In 1917, Mrs. Sanger founded what was to become known as Planned Parenthood. But like many people of her time she had extremely questionable racial views. And, most do not know one of the reasons she fought so hard for birth control is because she believed in eugenics.
Eugenics, or the science of racial purity, means you exterminate certain persons based on race, or physical or mental ability. Many people suspect this is why she set up her first clinic in the African American area of Harlem. My question to my viewers is: If you are pro-choice, does this change your views about Planned Parenthood, or do you think in spite of its racist origins the idea of providing women with the ability to recieve women's health benifits is a good thing?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ever since the death of conservative blogger and activist, Andrew Breitbart, there have been several conspiracy theories about his death. Personally, I think Andrew Breitbart was a vindictive, malacious slimeball who ruined people's lives for his own political ideology. Yet, he's still considered a hero among Obama loathers, those who hate Obama so much that they're willing to ruin his career, because they know their party has no chance of getting elected.
  Before he died Breitbart said he videotaped Obama's friend, Derek Bell, saying "America must burn." But suprisingly, Andrew Breitbart's website has not released the video as of late, which one would think Mr. Breitbart would want. This tells me that there is no such video, and that Andrew Breitbart's former cohorts don't want to admit that now he's gone his right wing empire has crumbled. Which has led some to believe that Andrew Breitbart was personally snuffed out by the Whitehouse.
     Personally, I think Andrew Breitbart just was walking home and, unfortunately, had a heart attack. I would like to say good wishes are with his family.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Christianity: Its Unspoken History

When we think of cults, we think of people like David Koresh and Jim Jones. But there's a much larger cult at work today: Christianity. Let me explain why I call Christianity a cult. The working definition of a cult is a group of people with shared beliefs which are on the fringes of acceptability. At the time when Christianity was getting started in Rome, it certainly fit this definition. Also, the Bible and Christian liturgy encourage believers to subordinate their own will in the service of God. Christian dogma also preaches that you must bring as many people into the religion as possible. This is ironic, since the Book of Revelations speaks of a Satanic religion that will take over the world, and that Jesus will have to come back and fight against. It makes you wonder, is he fighting against it because it's so evil, or is he fighting because he does not want any competition? Finally, consider Christians changing and adapting to modern times. In Salem in 1692, Christians literally murdered "heretics" to please God. Although today, most people like that would get arrested, I believe that some Christians--not all, but some--would still be burning people at the stake if they could get away with it.

Ultimately, I think we need to understand the history of Christianity, and not follow anything blindly.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Christian Agenda

Recently, JC Penney came under fire for hiring openly gay comedian Ellen Degeneres to be its spokesperson. The group who was criticizing JC Penney is called One Million Moms. They said, "JC Penney, by hopping on the pro-gay bandwagon, will lose its customers with traditional values." They basically said the same old "gay agenda" bull shit we've heard from the right wing for years now.

But I wonder if they would have said the same thing about conservative Congresswoman Michelle Bachman, saying in 2005 at a church in Minnesota, that, "We need to get them while they're young," referring, presumably, to the supposed importance of influencing and indoctrinating children with conservative values. But I suppose, when fundamentalist Christians of this stripe have a real, explicitly stated agenda, it's given the green light by God himself, and the all the rest of us heathens just need to shut up.

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with a group of any sort that wants to have the same rights as their fellow Americans being vocal and stating those beliefs proudly. But by trying to get Ellen fired, groups like One Million Moms are only exposing how weak their own belief system is. They're so afraid that as a result of seeing a gay person on TV, their children will leave the fold, which will make the baby Jesus cry. They're afraid that JC Penney hiring Ellen will show children that gay people can be successful and well-liked. In the end, these actions by conservative groups make extreme fundamentalist Christianity seem more like a cult than a legitimate faith.

In the end JC Penney stood its ground and stood by Ellen. Way to go JC Penney. Don't give in to bigots and bullies, even if they are Moms.