Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Forgotten Minority

In this country today, we take great care to not offend minorities. Don't get me wrong: I care about minorites. But, it seems to me today there is one group no one seems to care about offending: the disabled. For example, take the people who are opposed to the Americans with Disabilities Act for whatever reason. I'm sorry if we "cripples" as you so like to call us are inconvenient to the poor business owners. But as an American, I believe that I am entitled to go where I want to go in spite of my limited physical ability. It also doesn't help that popular media makes fun of the disabled, most notably Family Guy creator, Seth MacFarlane. He gives Joe endless ridicule over things like his inability to climb stairs or have sex. While Joe usually gets his legs back in an episode, by the end they're taken away again. I for one think comedy can be a good way to humanize people, and that's what Mr. MacFarlane is trying to do. But endless ridicule is not the way. Also, when able-bodied people offend people with disabilities in media, do you hear the big outcry, no. Well, sometimes, but it's not acknowledged. In closing, I am not a sensitive person about my disability. I'm okay with comedy to a certain extent. But after a while, it's not funny, only offensive and asinine.

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