Monday, November 26, 2012

Christian Self-Righteousness is Not a Virtue

I suppose in all groups you have extremists, but there's one group of extremists that I find to be self-righteous and annoying as hell: Christian Conspiracy Theorists, in particular a man named Mark Dice. These are the kinds of people who believe that Hollywood, and the rest of the ungodly secular world is controlled by a devil-worshipping cult called the Illuminati. I wouldn't be so hard on Mr. Dice if he weren't so damn self righteous.

For example, in 2007 he posted a Youtube video dumping various forms of garbage on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. This was supposed to represent the ungodly filth that is Hollywood. Note to Mark: Your childhood antics have to be cleaned up by some poor attendants, who may not actually agree with you.

Also, he has accused Jay-Z of being a child rapist, and has referred to Rihanna, Kesha, and Lady Gaga as satanic skanks from Satan's sewer. I know by evidence of this he probably has a few screws loose, but he still annoys me. Mark, get off your Christian high horse and get raptured already, we don't want you.

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