Saturday, January 12, 2013

Morgan 1, Jones 0

Recently, I watched an interview between Piers Morgan and right wing conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones. Morgan had Jones on his show because Jones had started a petition calling for Morgan's deportation simply because of his views on gun control. A synopsis of the interview went like this: Morgan tried to have a civilized debate and Jones ranted like an idiotic madman. I don't know about you, but if I were a pro-gun enthusiast, I would not want Jones speaking for me. He only enforces for many Americans the stereotype of the right-wing gun nut.

However, I think Piers is also somewhat in the wrong here. I think he only had Jones on because Jones made him angry, and he knew he could make Jones look foolish (although Jones didn't exactly need help with that one. This is, after all, a man who said that the government was behind 9/11 and the Oklahoma City bombing, and was putting chemicals in juice boxes to make children gay and control the population...). Though I am not pro-gun myself, I know many gun owners who would never talk about 1776 rising again if the government "tried to take their guns." But, I have to say, I believe Piers Morgan is one of the bravest men I have ever seen, because, to put it simply, there are gun owners and supporters out there who would burn you at the stake for talking about gun control in any form, if they could legally do it.

Finally, I think it exposed Jones as the fraud that he is: Jones claims to be a pro-Constitutionalist, but he wants to deport a law abiding citizen simply because he does not like his views. Frankly, that sounds more like a tactic of Soviet Russia than the United States of America.

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