Sunday, March 20, 2016

Freedom of Speech Non-Attack

When you think of buzzwords and phrases that can get people riled up, one of the strongest is "political correctness." Basically, to the anti-PC people, when you call them out on, let's say, a racist joke, they inevitably start calling you, "the PC police" and whine about their freedom of speech being trampled on. In fact, the anti-PC backlash has gotten so bad that in a recent poll, 89% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats believe that the so-called "PC culture" has gone too far. 

But I think what's really been misunderstood here is what free speech is. Free speech simply means that the government cannot come and arrest you for telling a racist joke. It does not mean you get to run up to every black person you see and call them the N-word without consequence. Even some famous "liberals" like Bill Maher and George Carlin, have done rants about the evil. fascist PC police. But what they're really saying is, "Wahh! I can't use these slurs anymore, you actually want to be respected?" Far from being "edgy" and cool, they're simply, to me, showing signs of Old White Guy Syndrome: I'm-too-lazy-to-change -my-speech-now.

 Let me say it: I know that if you're a comedian, everything you say can offend somebody, and if you tried to tailor everything you said to avoid that or make somebody feel good, there would be no comedy. But me telling you not to call me a cripple is not the same as the thought police breaking down your door and taking you to a reeducation camp. Just like you have freedom of speech, I have freedom of speech to say that's offensive, because we both live in America.