Thursday, January 21, 2016

Chris Christie Big Government Hypocrisy

Recently, in a restaurant in Iowa, Chris Christie was addressing his supporters, when a young boy stood up and said, "I liked my school food when Mrs. Bush was first lady.But now that Mrs. Obama is first lady, the food's disgusting." To which Governor Christie responded, "I think is the parents rights to decide what their kids eat, not government bureaucrats." He forgot for a moment that he vowed to re criminalize marijuana in all fifty states. Frankly, I'm amazed that there are still people out there that believe the Republicans are the small government party. They are anything but. They're the party that wants to decide marriage rights, and womens' rights. And they are the types take away medicine from sick children because it happens to come from a plant they consider dangerous. The Republican party is many things, but small government, they ain't.

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