Thursday, August 29, 2013

Unholy Alliances

Recently, on the Pat Robertson Show, on the Christian Broadcasting Network, Pat received a question from one of his viewers. The question went like this: "Dear Pat, my sister wants me to be the bridesmaid at her wedding. There is only one problem: My sister's gay, and although I love my sister and her partner dearly, I don't feel it would be right because of my devout Christian background." To which Pat replied, "My advice is to lovingly decline, because to accept would be to deny God. By going to her wedding, you would basically be saying that God's word is wrong." Well, I have a question: Doesn't God speak pretty highly of the cohesion of the family? Isn't Pat worried that by rejecting her sister's wedding, it could bring a lot of tension and strife to the family dynamic, thus weakening that cohesion of their family bond?

But then again, I'm sure Pat Robertson isn't going to give up his Rolls Royce anytime soon. Since when do televangelists actually adhere to the doctrines they're preaching? My advice to anyone: if you are Christian, do not give any money to Pat Robertson or the Christian Broadcasting Network. In my mind, you would only be funding hate and division, which is certainly not something I think Jesus would have preached.

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