Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Justice for None

The Trayvon Martin case is probably the most divisive and talked about case concerning race and justice since the Rodney King beating. Some people have said it was a case of self defense. I would say it was a case of racially motivated, cold blooded murder. But, the truth is even though I personally believe Trayvon Martin was murdered in cold blood, we will never know what truly happened. A more important point, however, is this illustrates the different views of the world that blacks and whites still have. Perhaps this is because many white people have never had to experience the level of racial profiling, police brutality, and downright racism that many African-Americans and other people of color have had to experience. Also, why did the media focus on this case so heavily when so many young black teenagers are murdered every day in this country. Truthfully, many people judge this case without knowing what really happened. They say "This was clearly self defense. Did you see Trayvon's arrest record?" Perhaps this proves that much of white America is still very racist. But here's what I think. The best way to stop another Trayvon Martin case is to understand the cultures and experiences of both sides and not just accuse each other of whining or having a chip on our shoulder. Next time somebody says they were profiled don't accuse them of being paranoid because it might be true.

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