Monday, June 10, 2013

Will the Real Paul McCartney Please Stand Up

Many of us have seen the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers but have you ever thought of this possibility in real life. No, not aliens; I'm talking about people disguising themselves as politicians and celebrities to either keep these people safe or take the fall. Saddam Hussein, for instance, was famous for having a body double when he would go out into crowds. But you may be wondering why I called this post Will the Real Paul McCartney Please Stand Up. Well, according to some conspiracy theorists, Paul McCartney was murdered in a car accident in 1967 and was replaced by a look alike body double so that the CIA could monitor John Lennon for his views on Vietnam. But there's a big whole in the doppelganger theory. Say you were a politician, perhaps a rather unpopular politician. You would probably have many death threats on your life. If you were to hire a body double to go out into a crowd, do you really think he would risk his own life for yours? Probably not. Personally, I think this is just another insane trip down the rabbit hole but it's interesting to think about.

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