Friday, September 24, 2010

Too Soon to Tell

Two years ago, many people in the disabled community were excited but somewhat skeptical about Governor Palin's speech that because she had a baby with Down Syndrome, she would be a fierce advocate for people with disabilities from the White House. But what many people failed to ask, but was an obvious question to me, was how could a woman with a three month old baby become such an expert on issues facing families with disabled children? It was just too soon to tell what parenting Trig, or any child with a disability, would require.

Although I sincerely believe that Governor Palin loves her son, it soon became clear that he was being used as a pawn in her campaign. This became even more clear two years later, when the popular TV show Family Guy ran an episode in which one of the characters goes on a date with a woman with Down Syndrome. The two characters have a conversation, and the woman says, "Well, my dad is an accountant, and my mother is the former governor of Alaska." Although I believe the joke was crude and in poor taste, Governor Palin's interview with Bill O'Reilly following the episode seemed more about her wounded pride than protecting her family.

Trig Palin is now around 3 years old, and I would bet Governor Palin has a better idea of what being a parent to child with a disability entails, but a word to the wise: Governor Palin, call me in five years. I want to know how you'll advocate for people like Trig and me.

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