Saturday, June 13, 2015

How young is too young?

     I recently saw a story on ABC's Nightline. It wasn't the content of the story that disturbed me, but how they reported on it. It was about young girls and sexuality, mainly revealing clothing. The story had all of the usual strawmen: blaming sexy music videos, and celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Ashley Tisdale, claiming that seeing their once wholesome idols dressing in risque costumes and dancing in music videos caused these girls to have some sort of identity crisis.
     They even use the term "corporate pedophilia" for companies that sell revealing clothing to young girls. I understand that a parent may not want to buy a super short skirt for their twelve year old daughter, but that term is way over the line. Also, people tend to forget if your child is so young that they are that impressionable, they're probably not making their own money, which means you're buying the TV, and internet. So, if you're that concerned, unplug the TV when you're not home, and make them read a book. It's probably better for them anyway.

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