Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Flag Burning: Patriotism or Treason

When we think of burning the American flag, we mainly think of two things. One, left wing Vietnam protesters, and two Islamic extremists, burning the flag in protest of policies having to do with their countries. So, naturally, this tends to make many people, especially people with a military background uncomfortable. Here's why.
     Many Americans identify as Christian. Christianity teaches that all people are children of one God. But, America also has one of the largest military forces, and military budgets in the world. Many people who identify as Christian also go off to fight in these wars, so, how does a self identified Christian deal with the fact that he or she may have to kill a fellow "child of god"? Nationalism. Patriotism. Many of them may use the flag as a sort of blanket and shield so they don't have to think of the guilt they might have. So, when they see the flag being desecrated, they feel like their shield is being taken away, forcing them to deal with their emotional guilt. But, that being said, I think the flag is freedom of speech. You can't stop people from expressing freedoms that you claim to protect.

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