Sunday, March 29, 2015

Safety Insanity

If you live in America today, you will know one thing about us; we are obsessed with staying safe any way we can. From not letting our kids go outside to play out of fear they might be kidnapped by a pedophile, to having an entire government agency, the FDA, banning certain foods and products just because they might be dangerous. And the most blatant example of safety insanity in recent years is the US Patriot Act, which gave the government new and unprecedented powers. All under the guise of keeping us safe.

But, I often tend to wonder, would America even exist if the founders were as safety conscious as we are. I don't think anyone can deny what the founders were doing was certainly dangerous to their health. My point is, America was built on taking risks. And if we build a society that is obsessed with eliminating any possible danger or risk, by any means necessary, I think it's going to hurt us as a nation. I think that taking risks is a part of what being an American is all about.

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