Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Not Everything Has a Simple Answer

It seems to me that in America we seem to want a quick answer for everything. School shootings.. if you're on the right, the problem is lack of prayer in schools, if you're on the left it's guns, and somewhere in the middle, it's violence in the media. This is also the case when it comes to war. I remember George W. Bush's "They Hate Us for Our Freedom Speech" in the run up to the Iraq War.

So, the question is; why do we as Americans refuse to look deeper? It's almost as if we're afraid to. So we tend to want to narrow it down. It's as if, if we can find this one thing at the source of our problems, then all our problems would simply go away. But I don't think that's true. I think that if we don't start looking at the deeper problems like mental illness and American Imperialism, then we will not truly be able to function as a society. We'll never be able to understand or fix any of the problems.

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