Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Not Everything Has a Simple Answer

It seems to me that in America we seem to want a quick answer for everything. School shootings.. if you're on the right, the problem is lack of prayer in schools, if you're on the left it's guns, and somewhere in the middle, it's violence in the media. This is also the case when it comes to war. I remember George W. Bush's "They Hate Us for Our Freedom Speech" in the run up to the Iraq War.

So, the question is; why do we as Americans refuse to look deeper? It's almost as if we're afraid to. So we tend to want to narrow it down. It's as if, if we can find this one thing at the source of our problems, then all our problems would simply go away. But I don't think that's true. I think that if we don't start looking at the deeper problems like mental illness and American Imperialism, then we will not truly be able to function as a society. We'll never be able to understand or fix any of the problems.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Is America Dead?

     I once heard a story about a few brave men who believed that there could be something better. They lived in a place where they had no rights. That place was called America. But, they dreamed of something better for themselves and their decedents. They took a chance, even if it meant their lives.
     But today, that brave spirit seems to be gone from America. We are afraid of what may happen, not what will happen. We can't legalize drugs because that could possibly create a nation of addicts. We can't legalize gay marriage because that might lead to legalization of incest. We can't legalize prostitution because it may hurt our young women in some way. What would our founding fathers think of this America, where we're so afraid of what might happen that we're afraid to do anything. They would be ashamed and saddened of how far our country has fallen. The point is, America has always been about taking chances on possibly dangerous things. America has always been about doing what is right despite what may happen to us. America's always been about progress and making things better. Why have we lost that spirit in so many of us? Why are we so afraid of what has not yet come that we won't even try? So I ask any American who reads this to please remember that American spirit within each and every one of us.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Marijuana Madness in Minnesota

Recently, a mother in Minnesota was arrested because she was found guilty of giving her son marijuana that she had obtained legally from Colorado to help control his epileptic seizures. Her big mistake was bringing it back to Minnesota, where it is not legal. She also made the mistake of telling a so-called friend where she got it. This friend called the police.

When I heard about this story, I was shocked. Before the boy began taking marijuana, he had been having up to 3 violent seizures a day. But that doesn't matter to the drones controlling the drugs. They seized his medicine, and now his mother may be going to prison for up to ten years for trying to protect her son. My opinion on the war on drugs is this: you must follow the money. Who has the most to gain from keeping a plant that you could grow on your own for medicinal purposes illegal?Well, Big Pharma for one. Companies like Pfizer and Merck make billions of dollars off of psychiatric medications, and sadly, they have enough money and power to drive the conversation.

And I want to say again to the drug enforcers, have you no soul? Can you not override your preconceived programming to see what is obviously in front of you? Very sick children are getting better. I think change will only happen if the enforcers and the people in general rise up and protest this injustice, and I also think if everyone had to deal with a severely sick child on a daily basis, public perception about things like marijuana would change.