Sunday, August 17, 2014

Media Censorship

Many Americans like to think we live in the greatest and freest country in the world, but unfortunately during certain times in our history this has not always been so. Take the post-WWII Cold War era. Many Americans were mercilessly dragged before Congress and made to explain themselves for simply not agreeing with certain policies or just not agreeing enough. For a more recent example, look no further than the post- 9/11 era. Celebrities like the Dixie Chicks were black listed for saying they were embarrassed about George Bush being from Texas. Another 9/11 celebrity punching bag was comedian and actress Rosie O'Donnell. She was called unpatriotic due to her antiwar stance and her assertion that the Bush administration may have had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Whether you agree with these people's controversial opinions or not, I think it's wrong for a country that claims to be the freest and the greatest to engage in attacks and character assassinations every time a prominent celebrity, or any person, disagrees with a government policy, position or statement. The fact is, I no longer believe the country is run by just politicians. I believe the country, and the world, is run by people with their own interests and agendas who are willing to destroy people who pose a threat to that system of power and control. So, the next time you hear someone say "America's the greatest country in the world," ask yourself, is it?

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