Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rand Paul, Hypocrite

Many of us remember Senator Rand Paul's historic filibuster of Obama's choice to head the CIA due to the Obama administration's refusal to rule out the killing of Americans on U.S. soil with drones. But now Rand Paul seems to be changing his tune. In a recent interview on Fox news he said, "I've never been against the use of technology when it comes to dealing with an eminent threat. For instance, if somebody comes out of a liquor store with a gun I don't care if a drone kills him or  a policeman. The only issue I have is I don't want drones flying over me in my hot tub, or my family's farm." This seemed a far cry from the real life Mr. Smith Goes to Washington show that he gave on the Senate floor. Could this be because he is planning to run for president in 2016? More disturbing is that I haven't seen any of Paul's supporters condemn him for this obvious flip flop. To me it just proves something about the Pauls that I knew all along, just like when Ron Paul only got upset about the TSA when his son was detained and abused by TSA staff. This proves to me that they are nothing more than two career politicians posing as constitutional defenders of liberty. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if for the entire thirty years Ron Paul was in Congress he was merely posing as a Libertarian, when in actuality he was nothing more than a Republican career opportunist politician who took advantage of populist anger at the establishment.

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