Monday, February 11, 2013

Bildeberg Conspiracy Has Anti-Semitic Origins

When I was very interested in conspiracy theories, there was one that I could never avoid running into. That is the Bilderberg Group conspiracy. If you are not aware, let me break it down in simple terms. Like Sophia from the Golden Girls would say, picture it, Holland, 1954... a hundred or so wealthy businessmen, including Prince Bernhardt of The Netherlands meet in the Hotel de Bildeberg in Oosterbeek Netherlands. And basically they say, "Hey, instead of these stupid elections, why don't WE pick the guys. They get all the blame and we run things from behind the scenes." That is, if you believe this conspiracy theory. Surprisingly, it's even been picked up by some well known television networks, such as the BBC, Russia Today and CNN International. But here's the dark secret the TV networks or these conspiracy theorists won't tell you, and that's that the person who started this conspiracy theory is a man named Westbrook Pegler. In the 1940's Pegler was one of America's most respected journalists, even winning a Pulitzer Prize. But by 1956, he had become a bitter, increasingly hate-filled anti-Semite. The readership of his column had shrunk tremendously by this time, and he had been grasping at straws. Until he ran an article which he called "The Puppet Masters". On a recent trip to Italy, he had come across a source which told him that a group of wealthy Zionist Jews calling themselves the Bilderberg Group, were plotting to take over the world for Israel.

In recent years, this conspiracy still survives in a sanitized form. Instead of the Rothschilds and the Jews, it's Bernhardt, the Rockefellers and the Globalists. Why do the proponents of this theory not tell their viewers or readers the origin of this famous conspiracy? Is it because the cottage industry of books and DVD's would be threatened by such a toxic revelation? I'm not saying that they shouldn't talk about it, but I do think that responsible news organizations should at least tell their viewers the true story of the Bilderberg Group and who they truly are. They do actually exist, but they are nothing more than a boring business and banking club that seek to promote world unity.  

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Droner In Chief

Remember when we all were outraged when George W. Bush was spying on Americans without warrants or judicial review? Well, now it seems Mr. Former Constitutional Law Professor thinks he can be judge, jury and executioner when it comes to assassinating American citizens with drones. Don't know what I'm talking about? Take the case of Anwar Al-Alwaki, a New Mexico born, radical Muslim cleric. Ever since he was killed by a drone strike in 2011, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the efficacy of targeted assassinations. What's even more disturbing is that now I see several so-called liberal Democrats acting like bloodthirsty neo-cons now that Obama's doing the killing.

My question is; why are we so willing to give Barack Obama a pass on his continuation and expansion of some of the Bush administration's worst War On Terror policies?

I think Barack Obama has gone too far this time. When are we going to reclaim the rule of the Constitution and not the rule of Presidential whim. I think it's worth considering impeachment.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Don't Say Gay, Unless You're a School Counselor

As a person who has gone through counseling, I was confident that whatever I told my counselor would stay between us. But this will no longer be true if Tennessee Republicans have their way. They're trying to pass a law that requires all school counselors to report students to their parents if they even suspect they might be LGBT. As a person who has struggled with feeling gay in the past, I can't tell you how comforting it was to know it would all be said in confidence. Not only does this bill destroy the counseling profession's rule of therapist-patient confidentiality, it puts young people in danger. I hate to say this, but I'm beginning to think Republicans are basically trying to make a political and/or religious point at the expense of potentially putting our youth in harm's way.

To any counselors who might read this blog: could you live with yourself if you comply with this law, knowing that a child could be kicked out of his or her home, ostracised, or in the most extreme case killed? Any school counselor who complies with this law can no longer call themselves a counselor.

Don't be afraid to stand up for the safety of your students and the integrity of your profession. Peacefully disobey this law.