Sunday, May 20, 2012

So What if I Play God?

Dr. Jack Kevorkian is probably one of the most controversial men of the 20th century, but I don't see what the big deal was. Let me explain.

Doctors "play God" all the time. When a doctor removes a gangrenous leg, he interferes with a natural process. He's interfering with "God's Will".

I believe it's cruel to wait for the approval of the sky fairy.

Personally I don't understand why you're forced to get psychological counseling. People aren't stupid, they know they're not going to wake up from suicide.

 People should be the masters of their own lives and their own destinies.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Secrets of America's Golden Boy.

If you are a Republican and a Christian, it is likely that you are committing apostacy. You see, Republicans have another God they worship; Ronald Reagan. But, do you think Republicans would be so forgiving, especially in Evangelical circles if they knew that, while he was Governor, Reagan was a Holocaust denier?

Here's a quote from Ronald Reagan during a debate in Los Angeles in 1967; "There's absolutely no evidence that six milllion Jews were sent to any ovens anywhere. The only facility that I've been able to find with the name Buchenwald, was the name of a German meat packing plant."

Or, if that's not enough, you can credit him, at least in part, for the begining of the borderline Fascist era in conservative American politics. By his support for McCarthy, he was essentially saying that in America, if you are a Communist, we are not just going to disagree with you, we are going to bring you up in front of a Congressional Committee and force you to explain yourself.

And, if even that's not enough for conservatives, consider his widely suspected, closeted homosexual tendencies. According to many Hollywood insiders and former friends of Reagan, he was widely known to 'go both ways', so to speak. Not that I'm bashing gays, I'm just saying it's telling for Mr. Reagan, to be perhaps the most anti-gay president in history, who said that Jezebel had taken over the Democratic Party in 1988.

If you are conservative, stick to the God of Biblical times, not political ones.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

With most conspiracy theories, one can see importance when talking about the issues raised: for instance, if you think the U.S. government killed 3000 people on 9/11, or if you think the president of the United States is foreign born and in the White House illegally ,one thinks that is worth talking about. Though I don't believe these, I still see their merit. But with the moon landing conspiracy, I don't see the point, because, really, no one got hurt or defrauded. So what if the U.S. government wanted to play a trick on the Russians? But, this is one of the most popular issues among conspiracy theorists, and  I don't understand why. I mean, let Neil Armstrong have glory and peace.