Friday, April 27, 2012

Can Evil People Do Good Things?

Many people know about the controversial organization Planned Parenthood, but many people do not know about its founder Margaret Sanger. In 1917, Mrs. Sanger founded what was to become known as Planned Parenthood. But like many people of her time she had extremely questionable racial views. And, most do not know one of the reasons she fought so hard for birth control is because she believed in eugenics.
Eugenics, or the science of racial purity, means you exterminate certain persons based on race, or physical or mental ability. Many people suspect this is why she set up her first clinic in the African American area of Harlem. My question to my viewers is: If you are pro-choice, does this change your views about Planned Parenthood, or do you think in spite of its racist origins the idea of providing women with the ability to recieve women's health benifits is a good thing?

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ever since the death of conservative blogger and activist, Andrew Breitbart, there have been several conspiracy theories about his death. Personally, I think Andrew Breitbart was a vindictive, malacious slimeball who ruined people's lives for his own political ideology. Yet, he's still considered a hero among Obama loathers, those who hate Obama so much that they're willing to ruin his career, because they know their party has no chance of getting elected.
  Before he died Breitbart said he videotaped Obama's friend, Derek Bell, saying "America must burn." But suprisingly, Andrew Breitbart's website has not released the video as of late, which one would think Mr. Breitbart would want. This tells me that there is no such video, and that Andrew Breitbart's former cohorts don't want to admit that now he's gone his right wing empire has crumbled. Which has led some to believe that Andrew Breitbart was personally snuffed out by the Whitehouse.
     Personally, I think Andrew Breitbart just was walking home and, unfortunately, had a heart attack. I would like to say good wishes are with his family.